Life Cycle

Avant de démarrer

Before starting a business

Are you thinking of starting up as an entrepreneur, but don't know if you have the right skills? Follow our guides to identify your entrepreneurial profile and motivations.

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Start a business & formalities

Which company structure should you choose? What are the legal requirements? How do you draw up a business plan? This guide will tell you all you need to know to get started in Brussels effortlessly.


Sustainable entrepreneurship

Reconciling economic performance with respect for the environment and individuals: discover our guides to sustainable entrepreneurship in the Brussels-Capital Region.

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Growing your business & export

Growth strategies, exporting, innovation and much more. For instance, changing direction every now and again can produce results. There are also opportunities for many companies in international markets through market development. You can read more in these business guides.

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Sell, restart or close an enterprise

How do you transfer a company or cease trading? How do you restart after bankruptcy? Who can you turn to if your company gets into difficulties? These practical guides will show you the way and inform you.


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Subsidies for entrepreneurs

In this section you can read more about the most popular subsidies. However, if you want to read about the support available at regional, federal or European levels, use our “subsidies & financing” search engine.

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Company financing

Where can you find financing or funding for your company? Find out all about self-financing, capital, credits or securities: discover the practical guides about business financing in the Brussels-Capital region. 

Daily management

Gestion & Stratégies

Management & Strategies

How to manage the logistics and/or day-to-day running of your business? What strategies should be put in place?

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Permits, regulations and obligations

When you start up or develop a business, you often need a permit, certificate or authorisation such as an environmental permit, urban planning permit, permits for particular activities, and suchlike. In this guide, we will explain all of the permits that you need as a business owner.

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Insurance, taxation & accounting

Find out about your insurance, taxes, and accounting obligations as a self-employed person, trader, or business owner in this guide by

Recruitment and human resources

Recruitment and human resources

Recruiting employees, drafting employment contracts, preparing for a visit from the social inspectorate, providing non-statutory benefits, etc. An HR policy covers many aspects. Our practical guides will help you every step of the way and give you detailed information about your rights and obligations in the Brussels-Capital region.

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Marketing, sales & e-commerce

Would you like to know how you can create a good marketing or communication strategy for your company? Are you curious about how to promote products and services or how you should set the prices for these? You can find full information and advice in our practical guides. 


Location & obligations in Brussels


Are you a current or prospective business owner or self-employed person in Brussels? In our guides you will find all the information that is useful to know before you get your business established, the various possibilities for establishing a business in Brussels and who you can contact about this. We will also provide you with information about different kinds of contracts and the lease.


Sustainable entrepreneurship

Reconciling economic performance with respect for the environment and individuals: discover our guides to sustainable entrepreneurship in the Brussels-Capital Region.

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R&D, innovation & partnerships

Do you have an idea for your own business? Should you invest in R&D to develop your business? Would you like to protect your idea? Our practical guides will show you the way and provide you with extensive information on these topics.

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Digitalising your services will increase productivity and efficiency, improve the customer experience and keep you competitive. Our guides explain how to get started...

Sector guides

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Do you want to know everything about the aid available to help you create or grow your retail or hospitality business in Brussels? What approvals are needed?  Our guide brings together all of the useful information (future) retailers and hospitality players will need.


Cultural and creative industries (CCI)

Are you planning to launch an artistic, cultural or creative activity, but don't know where to start? Or have you already launched your own business in the cultural and creative sector and would like to expand it? We've put together a range of resources to help you make your project a reality, and provide you with all the information you need.

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