Innoviris is the public organisation that funds and supports research and innovation in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Innoviris is the public organisation that funds and supports research and innovation in the Brussels-Capital Region.
- Innoviris co-finances research and innovation projects in small and large companies, research centres, the non-profit sector and the public sector supporting the development of creative solutions today for the region of tomorrow.
- We sensitise about STEM education and career opportunities, and about the role of science in society.
- We represent the Brussels Capital Region in all matters related to research and innovation at the national, European and International level and we facilitate cooperation within the local research and innovation eco-systems.
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Innoviris' focus lies on research and innovation projects by organisations based in Brussels that have the potential to address urban challenges. Projects in areas such as digitalisation, mobility, food, health and social inclusion, which create quality employment and contribute to the social and environmental transition of our economy.
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