Micro-credit is intended for socially-excluded individuals, or those at risk of being so (unemployed, inactive, etc.) and for micro-entrepreneurs not having access to traditional bank credit.
In Brussels, several stakeholders offer personal (loan generally below €3,000) or professional micro-credits (loan for a maximum of 15,000 Euros):
Brusoc is a financing instrument, which, through the creation of local and sustainable employment, specialises in the economic revival of areas located in priority intervention zones for the Brussels Capital Region (priority intervention area). As a local economy and social partner, Brusoc targets those who don't have access to classic bank financing. It offers micro-credits to self-employed people, and loans for social economy projects.
MicroStart’s objective is to support, through micro-credit financing, entrepreneurs excluded from the classic banking system in the context of creating or developing their own business. MicroStart focuses on the dialogue with the entrepreneur, the project in question and the human approach.
As a social credit cooperative, Crédal's objective is to make money invested by "co-operators" available to organisations active in social economy (solidarity credits), micro-entrepreneurs (professional micro-credits) and people excluded from the classic banking system (personal micro-credits).
Hefboom offers financial support and expert advice to companies and organisations active in the social and solidarity economy in Flanders and Brussels. Hefboom also offers ethical investment products. The organisation focuses on projects relating to the training and employment of at-risk groups.
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