General regulations
Many legal papers aim to safeguard consumer safety. General regulations stipulate that only safe merchandise and services can be sold. This implies that any product or service brought to market should not pose a danger under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. As a producer or distributor, you are responsible for the possible consequences of any shortcomings in your product or service.
If you know that a product or service that you have marketed presents a risk for the consumer, you must inform the central point of this immediately.
The FPS Economy continuously monitors the Belgian market and ensures that products and services placed on the market meet the safety requirements. If it determines that a product is dangerous, it takes necessary measures based on the situation. If required, it may, for example, stop the sale or ask the manufacturer to recall the product in question.
Think about the alternatives
To protect your staff, customers, and the environment, you should replace dangerous products with safer options whenever possible. These alternatives can include different substances, production methods, or product ideas. Environmental management helps you identify activities that might be harmful. Seek help from experts for free guidance on this.
Regulation on the safety of products and services
In addition to the general regulation on the safety of products and services, there are also specific regulations such as those relating to toys, play areas, machines, etc.
Some products may fall under different groups of products and must therefore fulfil the different regulations.
We recommend that you consult the FPS Economy website, which gives details of all the products concerned.