7 Jours santé

The 7 Jours Santé project aims to promote health among self-employed people and managers of very small companies in Brussels.

Created in 2012 by the non-profit organisation Question Santé, the 7 Jours Santé project aims to promote health among self-employed people and managers of very small companies in Brussels. It's objective: to encourage entrepreneurs to consider their health as an integral part of their company's capital in order to promote its development and sustainability.
As a Brussels centre dedicated to the health of entrepreneurs, the 7 jours Santé project proposes concrete courses of action, tools, testimonials and thematic workshops on the elements that influence the health of business leaders such as stress, time management, nutrition, sleep, mobility....
At the same time, 7 Jours Santé supports business start-up networks in order to integrate a health promotion approach into their practices.
Self-employed people and managers of very small companies in Brussels.