The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP)

The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) is the official body for trademarks and designs registration in the Benelux.

The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) is the official body for trademarks and designs registration in the Benelux. BOIP can also record the existence of an idea on a given date in an i-DEPOT. BOIP ensures that all entrepreneurs can protect their intellectual property in the Benelux area, in a non-complex manner.
As an entrepreneur you invest time, energy and money in your company. You build up a good name, creating economic value. This value lies in the trade name of your company, the name of your product or service or in the logo. Maybe all three. You don't want a third party piggy-backing on your efforts. It therefore makes sense to protect your trade name, brand name and logo and apply to register a trademark.
You can apply for registration online with BOIP. Registering secures your exclusive right to use your trademark. With a trademark registration, you are in a better position to take action against those who want to piggy-back on your success.
Is design your primary focus, as an entrepreneur? If so, it may be wise to record your design or drawing (or a combination of both) by means of registering your design.
You can apply for your design registration with BOIP. Doing so, affords you exclusive rights to use the design and, for example, enables you to protect your design or drawing from anyone who wants to copy or use it without authorisation.
For anyone who comes up with new ideas regularly, storing them in a BOIP i-DEPOT is a good option. An i-DEPOT is legal proof bearing a date stamp. It is proof that your creation existed on a certain date. An i-DEPOT does not confer (intellectual) property rights and therefore, like a notarial deed, provides no protection. When you are developing a new idea or creation, an i-DEPOT can be the first step on the path to protection.
You can directly submit your i-DEPOT online. This procedure is simple, quick, economical, and above all reliable.