Dies is a co-operative that allows entrepreneurs to independently manage their activity, all while being an employee.

DiES is a cooperative society with a social purpose (scfs).
As an employment cooperative, DiES is a company that allows you, as an entrepreneur-cooperator, to manage your activity autonomously while being employed by the structure. This spares you the steps and obligations of the self-employed, such as having to obtain a business number from the CBE, manage your accounting or make your VAT declaration, and allows you to devote yourself 100% to your business and your customers.
DiES is available to you as soon as your activity gives you a gross margin (turnover excluding VAT - raw materials) of at least 1,850 euros per month. The contracts signed vary, depending on your turnover, from one third to full time.
The structure is particularly well suited to service trades, but is, a priori, open to all trades. Each case is analysed individually so that we can best respond to your request.
The advantages of this structure are:
- security (employee status, social security cover, etc.),
- autonomy (in both the strategic and the operational management of your business),
- flexibility (home worker contract),
- administrative and accounting facilities (internal social, administrative and accounting management)
- as well as a community-minded approach (discussions and sharing which prevent self-employed isolation).
The structure is particularly well suited to service professions, but is open to all professions.
Each case is analyzed individually to provide the best possible response to your needs.
DiES welcomes you as soon as your business generates a gross margin (turnover excluding VAT - raw materials) of at least 1,850 euros per month on average.
Contracts range from one-third to full-time, depending on your turnover.
DiES offers an interface for encoding business expenses, as well as an interface for issuing sales invoices, all of which feed into an accounting file specific to the entrepreneur, giving him visibility over his accounts.