Enterprise Europe Brussels

Enterprise Europe Brussels is the Brussels representative for the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest European support network for companies.

Enterprise Europe Brussels is the Brussels representative for the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest European network of business support.
Enterprise Europe Brussels is a joint initiative of hub.brussels and BECI.
Enterprise Europe Brussels helps companies:
Become international, by finding commercial, technological and research & development partners abroad
Find technology abroad that will help them improve their products or services
Stay informed about legislative developments that affect their sector (European standards, transposition of European directives, import and export procedures)
Access the largest databank of international partnerships covering 51 countries and including 13,000 technology and research profiles
Take part in B2B meeting platforms during large professional trade shows in all fields
Take part in "Company Missions" that aim to meet technological and research players in a particular region.
The services are free.
The Enterprise Europe Brussels network can be followed on Twitter.
Discover what this network can offer you (video)