Federation of Walloon and Brussels Alternatives (SAW-B) - Brussels chapter

The Federation of Walloon and Brussels Alternatives (SAW-B) offers a range of services designed to support social enterprises and associations involved in the social economy.

The Federation of Walloon and Brussels Alternatives (SAW-B) offers a range of services designed to support social enterprises and associations involved in the social economy.
Do you have an idea for creating a business that promotes a fairer society and meets today's challenges? Would you like to develop your social economy project? At any stage in the life of your cooperative, collective or association, our team can offer you tailor-made support, from the development of your business model to post-creation follow-up, including financial planning, articles of association and participative management bodies.
Subject-specific training focuses on several aspects of the social economy and economic alternatives. The sessions place a strong emphasis on participants’ questions and experience. Participatory methods are used, and the approach is partly co-developed with the participants. Made-to-measure training can also be designed for specific audiences, with a focus on a particular issue.
SAW-B organises seminars, workshops, events and colloquia.
SAW-B also acts as a facilitator for public procurement contracts and social clauses as well as a social impact assessment coach.