ICHEC Formation Continue

ICHEC Formation Continue is the continuing education division of ICHEC Brussels Management School.

ICHEC Formation Continue is the continuing education division of ICHEC Brussels Management School.
To be the preferred training partner of companies, organisations and individuals throughout their professional career.
The expertise accumulated over more than 130 years thanks to the 3 historical centres of continuing education at ICHEC, which still allows us today to :
- To offer management training for executives and managers based on field expertise and flexible formulas
- To refer, via the ESSF, training courses in taxation which combine a strong scientific basis and a permanent adaptation to current events
- To support the ICHEC Start Lab in order to offer training for entrepreneurs and student-entrepreneurs
C-SHIP is a training project for entrepreneurship in artistic and cultural environments, in the sense of creative and cultural industries (CCI). C-SHIP aims to enable CCI professionals to ensure financial viability, develop and/or strengthen management skills in a sustainable and resilient business, while maximising societal contribution and positive impacts.
See the full programme.
Contact: ruba.saleh@ichec.be - 0032 2 739 3710