Interface 3

Interface 3 is an organisation that offers skills training that favour women's access to computer-related jobs.

As a continuing training facility and socio-professional integration agency, Interface3 is the Belgian reference when it comes to qualifying training courses that promote women's access to IT professions !
Active since 1984 in favor of equal opportunities in the professional world, the ASBL is recognized and supported by numerous private and institutional partners for the quality and innovative character of its training.
Each year, nearly 400 women job seekers follow an initiation or specialisation training for a short or long period. The rate of professional integration at the end of the skills training? 70%!
Each year, Interface3 offers women job seekers of all levels of experience 10 different skills training per year that lead to employment (employee or self employed), as well as short preparation modules from IT qualification or initiation to office automation.
Discover Interface3 through this video (in french):