Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants (SNI)
The SNI is a "neutral" organisation that represents independents, the liberal and intellectual professions, as well as all the country's SMEs.
The “Syndicat Neutre pour Indépendants” (SNI) or "Neutral Trade Union for Self-employed Persons" exists for over 40 years and is made up of 40,000 members.
It is not linked to any political party or opinion, nor is it tied to a particular sector.
The SNI is the voice of many entrepreneurs, and defends their social, economic, and cultural interests vis-à-vis the authorities, public opinion, and in the media.
It offers the following services:
- Customized contracts
- Free mediation in debt disputes
- Individual information and advice
- Extensive services
- Mediation
- Starters
- Energy purchase
Who can benefit from these services?
The SNI is a "neutral" organization and represents freelancers, liberal and intellectual professions, as well as SMEs throughout the country.
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