
Unizo is an interprofessional employers' organisation that defends independents and SMEs in Flanders and Brussels.

UNIZO reprents and defends the interests of entrepreneurs to the government, the media, public opinion and other social partners.
UNIZO offers a wide range of services, both for members and non-members: advice for starters, enterprise office, social insurance fund and social secretariat (LIANTIS), child benefit fund (KidsLife), etc.
UNIZO unites about 85,000 entrepreneurs, self-employed people, SMEs and liberal professions in Flanders and Brussels. These are companies from all sectors, from one-man businesses to growth SMEs.
UNIZO organises and takes part in a wide range of actions such as the Customer Weekend, Handmade In Belgium, Brussels Entrepreneurs Week, the SME award, and many other initiatives where entrepreneurship is central.