The Belgian Intellectual Property Office (IPObel)
IPObel’s general mission is to protect intellectual property in Belgium.
The Belgian Intellectual Property Office (IPObel) is a public service of the federal government.
IPObel is part of the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy (FPS Economy) and more specifically the Directorate-General for Economic Regulation. It handles all questions on intellectual property in Belgium.
For the public, IPObel is first of all the office where it is possible to file patent applications, supplementary certificates for the protection of medicine and plant protection products, proprietary variety certificates, brands and pictures and models.
Alongside its administrative tasks, the OPRI has an important information mission. It produces a large collection of patent documents, proprietary variety certificates, registered trademarks, pictures, and models available to the public in its large reading room or on its website.
The Production, Accounting, and Information Service is in charge of recording, gifting, and publishing industrial rights of ownership for the Belgian territory. It works as an intermediary for the recording of international rights, and spreads information on intellectual property. It also promotes, researches, and disseminates as much as possible information from patents on inventions, and collects registration, publication, and safeguarding of industrial property taxes.
All contact information is available on this page.
Its audience is more specifically the "general public".
Intellectual property research and awareness tools are available on its website.