
Unlock the future of urban logistics

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De quoi s'agit-il?

Urban logistics is at a turning point. With increasing pressure for efficiency, sustainability, and resilience, businesses must adapt their delivery models to thrive in urban areas.

Pour qui?

This webinar is tailored for businesses involved in the transport of goods or services in urban areas across Belgium, public authorities responsible for mobility policies and anyone interested in transport and logistics topics.

The webinar will be held in English.

Que vous apportera cet événement?

  • Discover the latest trends and challenges in urban logistics.
  • Learn how innovative solutions like cargo bike deliveries can transform your operations.
  • Gain practical insights to prepare your business for a sustainable future.
  • Receive an exclusive copy of the full study report after the webinar (in FR and NL)

Par qui?

  • Philippe Lovens, CEO of urbike, will present the key findings of urbike's report: "Insights, challenges and prospects for urban logistics in Belgium – An overview of current challenges and future issues (2024)".

  • Renaud Sarrazin (Urban Logistics Expert & Head of Consulting, urbike) will share actionable insights from our study and solutions for sustainable urban logistics.

  • Wim Pyra (Transport Manager, CEBEO) will reveal how CEBEO optimized its urban deliveries using cargo bikes, achieving remarkable results in efficiency and sustainability.

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