
How to start a business in Belgium ?

Algemene info


Chaussée de Charleroi 110
1060 Saint-Gilles


Waarover gaat het?

Are you interested in starting a business in Belgium? Do you have questions about the administrative conditions for people born outside the EU? Do you want to know more about the options to finance your business and the organisations that can help you?

Voor wie?

People born outside the European Union.

Door wie?

An event from microStart &

Praktische informatie

Breaking down the barriers to business creation for migrants in Brussels

You have questions about the administrative requirements for people born outside the European Union? You are not sure where to start and are looking for information? and microStart can help, and are organizing  information sessions in your language several times a year.

Learn more

This project is funded as part of a wider agreement between the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs); its aim is to improve the inclusion of migrants in EU Member States through the development of new partnerships and new forms of financing.



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