
Start your own business in sustainable food

Algemene info



Kroonlaan 12
1050 Elsene


Waarover gaat het?

Refresh guides job seekers step by step to realize their project in sustainable food. More than a general support, REFRESH also offers you facilities where you can test your product/ service. With the support of our expertise and network, we can guide you step by step in the realization of your professional project. 

Voor wie?

You are a job seeker registered with Actiris? Under certain criteria, we can guide you to the realization of your professional project!


This information session will help you understand :

  • Who is Refresh and our expertise
  • The support program we offer you
  • How to integrate sustainability into your project

This information session is a first step to benefit from our support. 

Blijf up-to-date

Het ondernemerslandschap staat niet stil. Wil je niets missen? Sluit je aan bij 25.000 abonnees en ontvang elke twee weken gratis leerrijke inhoudsartikels, concrete tips, boeiende ondernemersportretten, actuele nieuwtjes en een overzicht van nuttige workshops en netwerkactiviteiten in Brussel in je mailbox.